The contract below is only for you to read. When you pick up your puppy we will sign the contract. You will receive a signed copy in the puppy book that you get from us, and we will keep a copy for our files.
Texas T’s Toy Schnauzers ~ License #329
San Antonio, Texas 78232-3810
Dog & Cat breeders are regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation
PO Box 12157, Austin, Texas, 78711. 1800-803-9209/ 512-463-6599
Purchase Agreement & Health Guarantee
This agreement was entered into between __________________________________________,
Phone # __________________________ which will now be known as the “Buyer” for the duration of this agreement, and Texas T’s Toy Schnauzers, Phone # 210-818-2505, which will now be known as the “seller” for the duration of the agreement.
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer Color Description: ________________________________
Sire: ______________________________ Dam: _________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________ Sex: ____________ Purchase Price: ________________
Puppy Deposit Terms & Conditions:
ALL DEPOSITS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. A 50% deposit, is required to hold the puppy of your choice until it is ready to be picked up. All puppies must be paid for in full by the time they have reached 8 weeks of age. All puppies will be held until they are a minimum of 8 weeks old for local pick-up. Alternatively, longer if the puppy is too small to vaccinate at 8 weeks. The seller has the right to cancel this contract and refund the deposit if she feels it is in the best interest of the puppy. If the puppy is not paid for in full by the time the puppy is 8 weeks old, then this contract is terminated, the deposit forfeited, and Texas T’s Toy Schnauzers has the right to keep the deposit, and re-sell the puppy. Unless other terms are agreed upon in writing, by signing the deposit agreement below, the buyer agrees to all terms and conditions concerning the deposit.
I’m giving the seller a non-refundable deposit of: ___________________The seller agrees to take
this puppy off the market and hold it until purchased as per the terms listed above.
Signature of Buyer___________________________________ Date of Deposit______________________
Your puppy has a 3-day health warranty and a 1-year genetic health guarantee. To the best of the seller’s knowledge, this puppy is in good health at the time of delivery. To honor this health guarantee a licensed veterinarian must examine your puppy no later than 3 business days from date of delivery of puppy. Failing to do so will void your health guarantee. If the veterinarian discovers the puppy to be unsound, the puppy can be returned within the 3-day period for a refund of the purchase price or replaced with a puppy of equal or greater value at the seller’s discretion. This is provided the puppy is returned with a letter and any medical records from the examining veterinarian statin in what respect the puppy is unsound.
Buyer also agrees that if at any time the Buyer cannot retain possession of the puppy, the Seller is to be notified and given first option in resuming full ownership. The dog will be returned with all medical records. Under no circumstances is the puppy to be placed in an animal shelter, or similar establishment. If we are not able to take this puppy back, we are more than happy to assist you in placing the puppy/dog in a loving home.
Breeder will not give a refund due to any personal reasons such as allergies to the pet, death in the family, landlord’s disapproval, family disagreement, or any other problems not related to the health of the pet. This guarantee is null and void upon any evidence that a puppy’s illness is caused by abuse, neglect, exposure to weather, injury, choking, poisoning, dropping the puppy, etc. ​​
No warranty or guarantee is made to the disposition, life span, size, color, show quality, or breeding quality or ability of the puppy to reproduce. Seller does not guarantee against retained testicles, umbilical hernias, dew claws that grow back, or retained teeth or bad bite. We do remove dew claws, but they can sometimes grow back, and so we do not guarantee dew claws. Additionally, small breed dogs can develop under bites and over bites due to retained baby teeth (baby teeth that are not pulled). We therefore do not guarantee a dog’s bite.
No guarantee is given for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). This condition is not hereditary and is preventable. Hypoglycemia can be serious for small puppies. One of the causes of hypoglycemia is stress and lack of food and water. To prevent this, provide your puppy with frequent small meals and water throughout the day. Make sure he/she is eating and drinking well, and does not go for long periods of time without food, water, and rest. Allow your puppy plenty of alone time to rest. Do not over exert your new puppy. You have been provided with Fortical to help keep your pup'
Any cosmetic surgery such as ear crops, etc. will be done at the risk of the buyer.
The buyer must contact the seller immediately upon discovery of a genetic defect. Any delay in doing so will void this guarantee. The seller at this time has the right to have the puppy examined by our or another veterinarian. Should a licensed veterinarian diagnose the puppy with a life-threatening genetic defect, having been there from birth, the seller will replace the puppy, limited to one year from the date of purchase. No refund or replacement will be given on a deceased puppy until an autopsy is performed to determine the cause of death. The buyer will pay all expenses. Any request for replacement or refund must be accompanied by all medical reports including the necropsy report from a licensed veterinarian.
No guarantee is given for any kind of parasites, worms, mites, coccidiosis, or giardia. Your puppy has been wormed frequently from two weeks of age until your possession as indicated in the medical print out you are given in the puppy book provided. It is your responsibility to have your veterinarian perform a fecal on your puppy at the first visit to check for parasites. It is also your responsibility to continue to worm your puppy and give them heartworm preventative (Heartgard Plus or the generic equivalent).
Vaccinations: The puppy’s health guarantee is null and void if the buyer fails to complete all the vaccinations listed on the medical form. Vaccinations must be no less than 4 weeks apart, and any vaccination cannot be given in combination with any other vaccination. The Rabies vaccination cannot be administered before 16 weeks and preferably 20-24 weeks.
Allowing your veterinarian to do any of these vaccinations too early will void the health guarantee.
We do NOT recommend: Corona Virus, Leptospirosis, Giardia, Lyme, Canine Flu or Snake Bite vaccines
Your pup has been given his/her first Distemper/Parvo Vaccine (see Medical Record).
We are not responsible for any problems that may occur due to vaccinating your pup, as vaccinations can cause reactions, including death.
The Health Guarantee is Null & Void if:
If you allow your veterinarian to administer the Corona Virus, Leptovirus, Lyme, Canine Flu, or Snake bite vaccines. And, if your veterinarian administers any vaccine more frequently than every four weeks................Initials _______
If your veterinarian gives more than one vaccine per visit. This includes the Bordetella vaccine......Initials_______
If you give your pet any type of oral flea medications, i.e., Trifexis, Capstar, Bravecto, Comfortis, Sentinel, Simparica, Nexgard, Credilio, or the Serasto collar………….................................................................................... Initials_______
Absolutely no refunds after the three (business days) warranty period……................................................Initials______
This health guarantee is nontransferable. ……………………………………........................................................ Initials_______
Seller assumes no liability for any expense incurred by Buyer whether they be medical, veterinarian charges, or any other expenses……………………..........................................................................………………………….....................… Initials_______
Buyer understands that this puppy is being sold as “Pet Only”. Under no circumstances can this puppy be used for breeding purposes (whether that be an accidental breeding or intentional) without the written permission of the seller. Seller has the right to seek legal action against the buyer if the pup is bred without written permission from Texas T’s Toy Schnauzers.................................................................................................................................................... Initials_______
This contract is legal and binding, and seller reserves the right to seek legal action at the expense of the buyer, not to exclude any travel cost that could incur. By signing this contract and returning it to the seller with the deposit, the buyer agrees that they have read and fully understand all the terms and conditions. Buyer agrees that any legal proceedings will take place in San Antonio, Bexar County, TX.
BUYER’S NAME: (PRINTED) _______________________________________________________
BUYER’S ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, AND ZIP Code: _______________________________________________________
EMAIL: ____________________________________ PHONE #: ____________________________
CHECK: __________________CASH: _________________DL # ___________________________
Buyer’s Signature: __________________________________________Date of Sale____________
Seller’s Signature: __________________________________________Date of Sale____________